East African Center For Law & Justice


Attacks on the Kenya-Ethiopia Border

Distressing reports of Kenyans killed by Ethiopian militia at Kibish and Todonyang’ villages on Kenya-Ethiopia border have re-surfaced.

The militia group is feared to have killed 14 people and stolen 300 cattle from the villagers, in two consecutive days. The attacks are said to have affected among others, women and children who were also on the fishing expedition.

These reports come after previous attacks were experienced in June 2011, leaving 30 people dead following invasion by the same militia groups.  This was a counter attack after the killing of 4 Merille fishermen who were found fishing at the shore of Lake Turkana.

The Kenya Red Cross together with Catholic Church members assisted by conducting a mass burial for the deceased. Residents requested for security measures to be enforced and challenged the government to act tough against such external aggressions.

The attacks on the Kenyan border raise concerns since at the moment there is a lot of movement from Somalia following the drought in the Horn of Africa.