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Resolution of Pre-Election Disputes Arising From the Party Primaries

Resolution of Pre-Election Disputes Arising From the Party Primaries

The current party primaries have been marred with chaos, claims of rigging, cancellation of...

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The Multi Sectoral Forum II

The Multi Sectoral Forum II

The East Africa Centre for Law and Justice was privileged to participate in planning and convening...

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Preparedness of the Judiciary in handling Elections disputes

Preparedness of the Judiciary in handling Elections disputes

As Kenya approaches D-day, various bodies playing an oversight role in guaranteeing free, fair...

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  • Linda Uhai

    'Linda Uhai' is Swahili for 'Protect Life'. This is a pro-life campaign which was initiated by the EACLJ, involving other like-minded organizations, aimed at advocating for the preservation of life from conception to natural end, as an inherent right of every human being.

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  • Civic Education

    The EACLJ has over the years conducted Civil Education across the country, working with other like minded organisations. Civic Education is the sensitisation of the population on the theoretical and practical aspects of citizenship. The citizens get to know about their rights and duties; duties to each other, and duties to the country.

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  • Legislative Causes

    In its quest to promote and defend human rights across the length and breadth of Kenya, the EACLJ engages in Legal and Legislative matters through engaging in high impact cases, lobbying the government and being the legal representative of various evangelical churches.

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  • Social Campaigns and Events

    The EACLJ has over the years taken part in and directly organised various social campaigns that align with our objectives of human rights, religious freedom and general civic education.

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  • Samburu

    As part of our mandate to promote and defend human rights across the region, the EACLJ has been working with the Samburu Girls Foundation to help the cause of the girl child in the Samburu Community of Kenya.

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Civic Education is the sensitisation of the population on the theoretical and practical aspects of citizenship. The citizens get to know about their rights and duties; duties to each other, and duties to the country. It includes knowledge of the laws, the Constitution and the government’s role.

The EACLJ has over the years conducted Civil Education across the country. The EACLJ has worked with other like minded organisations. These organisations include the KCPF (Kenya Christian Professionals Forum), the SGF (Samburu Girls Foundation) and the KNCHR (Kenya National Commission on Human Rights).

The Kenya Christian Professionals Forum is an association of Christian Professionals from various denominations who share the same common values on issues of family, life, religious freedom and social justice. The KCPF provides special support and organises forums aimed at influencing a supportive legal and social environment premised on Biblical Values. The EACLJ mainly partners with the KCPF in the Linda Uhai Pro Life Campaign in conducting numerous conferences and forums aimed at strengthening the pro-life campaign.

The EACLJ conducts Civil Education Forums in and for Churches in Kenya on matters to do with the Constitution and Laws relating to religion, life and family. The Samburu Girls Foundation is a non profit organisation founded by Dr. Josephine Kulea. Their focus is on helping the girl child by rescuing them from child marriage, beading and FGM. The EACLJ has partnered with the SGF to conduct civil education programs on these issues (child marriage, beading and FGM)

The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights is a human rights institution established through the Kenyan Constitution. It is guided by the United Nations approved Paris Principles. The EACLJ partners with the KNCHR in conducting the Complaints Referral Forum. This forum brings the Government, Intergovernmental and Non Governmental Organisations together to hear cases and complaints from Members of the Public on Human Rights issues. The locals are also educated on their rights and responsibilities during these meetings. The Ngaaie Legal Aid Forum and the Lamu Legal Aid Forum are two examples of this partnership.

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